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If you have a secret sorrow,
a burden or a loss, an aching need for healing…
Hang It On The Cross.
If worry steals your sleep
and makes you turn and toss, if your heart is feeling heavy…
Hang It On The Cross.
Every obstacle to faith or doubt you come across,
every prayer unanswered…
Hang It On The Cross.
For Christ has borne our brokenness
and dearly paid the cost to turn our trials to triumph…
Hanging On The Cross
We will be livestreaming all our Masses in both churches. You can access this by following this link – .
Or by accessing our websites and use the Livestream Heading
When a funeral mass is being livestreamed it will be available on the parish website for 3-4 days but can still be accessed through YouTube. It will then be removed from YouTube after 2 months unless a family wish to contact us about this arrangement.
The X handle is @stmarysstjohns for those who wish to follow it.
We currently only have 5 volunteers who clean our church. If you can spare 1-2hrs every Thursday (after Mass) we would love to hear from you. If we get enough volunteers we could have teams and this would mean only volunteering every other week. Please contact Canon Martin, the parish office or just come along on a Thursday.
The Regulation came into force on Friday 25th May 2018, and gives individuals greater rights and control over the use of their personal information. Your privacy is important to the Parish Communities of St. John’s and St. Mary’s. We use the personal data, provided by you for Pastoral support and the administration of weekly collections. The information is held securely and confidentially in electronic or paper format. We will not share this information with third parties without your prior consent. A fuller Privacy Notice is now available on the Diocesan website.