Click here for Church Bulletins
THANK YOU. To all who supported St John’s Fete last Sunday which raised £3,858. Special thanks to the hall committee and all who donated prizes including local businesses.
Will take place from 16th September until 29th September. More details and full programme are available by clicking on the link below
The Parish Office will be closed from Thursday 5th September until Wednesday 18th September.
Please note the website will not be updated during this time, please refer to the parish bulletin for weekly news and mass times
If you have anything urgent during this time please contact Canon Martin at St John’s on 01294 463225
The Church must support the poorest and most vulnerable. However, despite her ability to address immediate needs (for example, through soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and other forms of outreach), the Church cannot singlehandedly eradicate hunger, homelessness and other forms of poverty from our world. Politicians need to act, and to encourage them to do so, dialogue is necessary. The Church’s social doctrine is a valuable resource that has the potential to make a real difference in our world if it were to be consistently put into practice.” Towards the Second Session of the Synodal Assembly (October 2024)
Please remember the following deaths in your prayers
Willie Burns RIP
James Ferguson RIP
Margaret Smyth RIP
Willie’s Prayers of Reception and Funeral Mass will take place on Friday at 10am. Followed by burial in Ardrossan Cemetery.
James’ Prayers of Reception will take place on Monday 9th September at 6pm in St John’s.
Funeral Mass on Tuesday 10th at 10am. Followed by Cremation in Holmsford Bridge Crematorium.
Margaret’s Prayers of Reception will take place on Sunday 22nd September at 5pm. Funeral Mass on Monday 23rd at 10am. Followed by burial in Dalry Cemetery
+May they rest in peace+
We will be livestreaming all our Masses in both churches. You can access this by following this link – .
Or by accessing our websites and use the Livestream Heading
When a funeral mass is being livestreamed it will be available on the parish website for 3-4 days but can still be accessed through YouTube. It will then be removed from YouTube after 2 months unless a family wish to contact us about this arrangement.
Has started so that members can be up-to-date on parish events and other news. The X handle is @stmarysstjohns for those who wish to follow it.
St Mary’s Tuesday’s at 9.30am-10am – NOT ON THIS WEEK
St John’s Friday’s at 10.30am-11am – NOT ON THIS WEEK
The Regulation came into force on Friday 25th May 2018, and gives individuals greater rights and control over the use of their personal information. Your privacy is important to the Parish Communities of St. John’s and St. Mary’s. We use the personal data, provided by you for Pastoral support and the administration of weekly collections. The information is held securely and confidentially in electronic or paper format. We will not share this information with third parties without your prior consent. A fuller Privacy Notice is now available on the Diocesan website.